News from the energy world

Favicon_news_testOil at 30$…? – should Clean Energy panic or celebrate – A quick look at the possible direct correlation between oil prices and Clean Energy industry growth – possible short term pitfalls and scenarios.

Dealing with pounding and controversial news
Most of the business news populating virtually any single communication channel in these days are, more than ever, dedicated to predicting where and when crude oil could find a bottom, some of them even forecasting a “catastrophic” price of 30$ per barrel. According to some experts or opinion leaders, this level, once reached, apparently quite soon, should mark the end of the Clean Energy industry. Let’s take a closer look at that.

RES_Inv_vs_brent_spot_price_26The geopolitical oil arm wrestlewho will succumb first
I’m not arguing that the crude price could even fall to such an anomalous level, though some analysts expect a rapid recovery to $100 barrel, because this is the price required in order to justify ongoing exploration for new resources. The well known ongoing arm wrestling triggered by US ambition for energy independence, a legitimate strategy leveraging on shale oil, and OPEC resistance, whose recent decision to keep production levels as nothing had happened in most of the developed economies caught in recession for the last 7 years, is putting the world in fibrillation. Read more